Texas Cox Family: Blog https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog en-us (C) E. Cox 2012 (Texas Cox Family) Mon, 16 Mar 2020 06:32:00 GMT Mon, 16 Mar 2020 06:32:00 GMT https://www.texascoxfamily.com/img/s/v-12/u633727802-o616823883-50.jpg Texas Cox Family: Blog https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog 80 120 Spring already? https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2013/2/spring-already Well, the New Year has come and we are already past Valentine's Day!  Where has the time gone!  Amazing.  We went skiing in January and took Nana along - surprised the kids - they loved it!  They said the best part of the trip was that we surprised them and brought Nana!  

The kids all had their Valentine's parties at school this week and they had lots of fun.  Weston got a little excited about some jumbo lifesavers and he got a lesson about how we don't take things that don't belong to us...especially candy from a baby. -Well, about 8 years ago the little girl was a baby...  Anyway, we celebrated VDay again that night with friends and some absolutely fabulous margaritas!  

Spring Break is around the corner and we don't have to go anywhere!  Yeah!  It will be a fun week.

(Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2013/2/spring-already Sat, 16 Feb 2013 20:18:47 GMT
New Year? https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2012/12/new-year I am amazed that it is December 30th and the turn of the New Year is around the corner.  This year seems to have flown by!  I suppose though, looking back, we have done so many things, the kids have been through many adventures and we have had many changes.   We look to 2013 with great anticipation and excitement about what this New Year may bring.  

(Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2012/12/new-year Sun, 30 Dec 2012 18:52:49 GMT
Zoo Train! https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2012/8/zoo-train The kids took a ride on the Zoo Train before school started.  They love the train and loved their zoo camp this summer.  

(Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2012/8/zoo-train Sun, 26 Aug 2012 17:23:00 GMT
Pool before School https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2012/8/pool-before-school This was the last pool trip before school began!  Weston jumped in and landed on Sophia, so it was an eventful pool day.

(Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2012/8/pool-before-school Fri, 24 Aug 2012 13:47:00 GMT
Day with Nana https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2012/8/day-with-nana Sophia Madison was treated to a Birthday Day with Nana!  They ate pizza, sent to Yogurt Zone and Sophia got to pick out a fun toy.  Doesn't get much better than that.

(Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2012/8/day-with-nana Fri, 24 Aug 2012 13:46:00 GMT
Day at the Pool https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2012/8/day-at-the-pool The kids were having fun with Daddy at the pool...

(Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2012/8/day-at-the-pool Sat, 18 Aug 2012 13:45:00 GMT
Raymond's Senior Year https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2012/8/raymonds-senior-year We cannot believe it, but Raymond is a SENIOR!  He is playing Football this year and will be a very exciting year for him!

(Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2012/8/raymonds-senior-year Fri, 10 Aug 2012 13:43:00 GMT
Cupcake Sprinkles https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2012/8/cupcake-sprinkles Sophia and I had fun with taking some fun pictures for her 9th Birthday invitations!  She wanted to put cupcake sprinkles all over her tongue and take a picture...so we did!  She had some cute pictures...we have an album on the homepage from the shoot.  

(Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2012/8/cupcake-sprinkles Wed, 08 Aug 2012 23:19:29 GMT
Game Face https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2012/7/game-face Nolan Wayne is such a little ham...  Today, I was on the phone with Kevin on speaker in the car and I said I hear a log of giggling in the car.  Nolan Wayne piped up with "I'm the little Giggler!"   Never a dull moment...

(Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2012/7/game-face Tue, 24 Jul 2012 22:42:00 GMT
Boys... https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2012/7/boys The boys thought it was fun getting under the cart in the store today...  Let them 'eat cake'...

(Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2012/7/boys Mon, 23 Jul 2012 22:34:00 GMT
Kevin's Goodness Shake https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2012/7/kevins-goodness-shake Here it is!  Purple Kale!  Yes, we actually eat this.  Everyday.  For at least 5 years.  

(Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2012/7/kevins-goodness-shake Sun, 22 Jul 2012 22:45:00 GMT
Weston and his strings https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2012/7/weston-and-his-strings One of Weston's week-long summer camps was Guitar lessons.  He really enjoyed learning how to play and had a great time!

(Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2012/7/weston-and-his-strings Fri, 20 Jul 2012 22:27:00 GMT
Ray's Homemade Birthday Cake https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2012/7/rays-homemade-birthday-cake Raymond always gets to choose a cake 'flavor' that he wants for his Birthday.  I always improvise with creativity to try to create it for him.  This was a Double Fudge Cake with Coconut / Fudge Ice Cream, real coconut and fudge layered in the middle layer.  On top, I drizzled Chocolate fudge with real coconut flakes piled high.  On top of the Coconut, I layered coconut oil infused almonds dusted with sugar.  Raymond's friend helped us tear it up! ;)

(Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2012/7/rays-homemade-birthday-cake Mon, 16 Jul 2012 22:25:00 GMT
Ray's Birthday https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2012/7/rays-birthday Ray's Birthday is tomorrow, but we celebrated this weekend.  He got some great cards and gifts...thank you...and we got him an iPod Touch so he could listen to his music.  Can't believe it is 17!  

(Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2012/7/rays-birthday Mon, 16 Jul 2012 02:22:19 GMT
The Bird Bakery https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2012/7/the-bird-bakery We stopped by our local bakery a mile from our house for some afternoon cookies today.  This bakery is owned by couple Armie Hammer and Elizabeth Chambers (see: http://blog.mysanantonio.com/jakle06/2012/03/hot-hollywood-couple-opening-alamo-heights-bakery/).  Sophia Madison's classroom brought in a poster board they made for the bakery.  Today, Elizabeth was so sweet to Sophia, thanking her for the poster.  They have some great chocolate chip cookies, too!  

(Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2012/7/the-bird-bakery Mon, 16 Jul 2012 02:19:23 GMT
Pancakes and more Pancakes... https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2012/7/pancakes-and-more-pancakes This morning, Sophia Madison and I made Pancakes!  We made homemade honey-roasted pecan pancakes, strawberry pancakes, chocolate chunk pancakes and Banana Foster pancakes...each sprinkled with powdered sugar!  Everyone put in their order and we served it up!  Sophia was a great help and she learned just how much math is involved in doubling a recipe! ;)

(Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2012/7/pancakes-and-more-pancakes Sun, 15 Jul 2012 13:25:00 GMT
Monster Art project https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2012/7/monster-art-project One of the Enrichment Classes Nolan Wayne had this summer was a week of "Monster Art".  He came home with lots of great work, but this hat was just too cute.  It is his Monster Hat....

(Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2012/7/monster-art-project Fri, 13 Jul 2012 22:27:00 GMT
Little Chefs https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2012/7/little-chefs The little ones made dinner for themselves tonight!  Hey, hey!  They made Macaroni and cheese, Peanut Butter & Jelly, Refried Beans/chips, carrots and Milk.  What a combo!!!  :)

(Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2012/7/little-chefs Thu, 12 Jul 2012 22:30:00 GMT
Burt Lake 2012 https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2012/7/burt-lake-2012 We made it to Burt Lake this year! Yeah!  It had been 09 since we were able to make it all the way to the other side of the US and we are so glad it worked this year.  What a fun time with our family.  :)  All the cousins got to play together and we had a nice visit with everyone. 2013 here we come!

(Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2012/7/burt-lake-2012 Mon, 09 Jul 2012 17:52:17 GMT
The Hermitage https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2012/7/the-hermiage We love staying at The Hermitage when we go to Nashville!  Great historical hotel with fabulous food and veggies grown in the Glen Leven farm.  A spectacular view of the Capitol Building, also!

(Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2012/7/the-hermiage Sat, 07 Jul 2012 18:07:00 GMT
Great-Grandkids https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2012/7/great-grandkids Many of the Great-Grandkids were at the lake this summer over the 4th.  What a great looking bunch!

(Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2012/7/great-grandkids Thu, 05 Jul 2012 18:11:00 GMT
Fireworks! https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2012/7/fireworks Kevin put on fireworks for the kids at the lake this year.  It was fun.  We got to see a spectacular fireworks show off Navy Pier the Saturday prior, but the kids were able to participate in this one! 

(Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2012/7/fireworks Wed, 04 Jul 2012 17:54:00 GMT
Meet Sue https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2012/7/meet-sue We met Sue at the Field Museum today!  Wow!  Imagine that thing at your front door in the morning!

(Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2012/7/meet-sue Mon, 02 Jul 2012 18:08:00 GMT
Spectacular Window Sills https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2012/7/spectacular-window-sills The kids absolutely loved playing on the window sills of our Chicago hotel.  The view was quite impressive, too!

(Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2012/7/spectacular-window-sills Sun, 01 Jul 2012 18:09:00 GMT
Rocky https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2012/6/rocky Ray was at the top of the stairs under the St. Louis Arch and just had to get this "Rocky" moment. ;)

(Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2012/6/rocky Sat, 30 Jun 2012 18:22:00 GMT
Chicago https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2012/6/chicago We love Chicago!  We had a great time and had lots of fun there....  Love the skyline!

(Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2012/6/chicago Sat, 30 Jun 2012 18:05:00 GMT
Kindergarten Friends https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2012/6/kindergarten-friends I was so glad to be able to see my friends Sunny & Jennifer today!  There are few friends you keep from Kindergarten. :)

(Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2012/6/kindergarten-friends Fri, 29 Jun 2012 18:03:00 GMT
Summer Enrichment begins... https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2012/6/summer-enrichment-begins Weston, Sophia Madison and Nolan Wayne all began their summer enrichment programs today!  They were all ready to go this morning with their lunch boxes.  They looked so cute!  

(Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2012/6/summer-enrichment-begins Mon, 04 Jun 2012 19:54:39 GMT
Sophia Madison and Weston's last day of school! https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2012/5/sophia-madison-and-westons-last-day-of-school Today, Sophia Madison and Weston went off to their last day of school.  I cannot believe Sophia will now go into the 3rd grade and Weston into 2nd grade!  Their first day of Kinder seems like it was just yesterday. :(

(Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2012/5/sophia-madison-and-westons-last-day-of-school Fri, 01 Jun 2012 01:06:00 GMT
Last walk to school... https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2012/5/last-walk-to-school This was the walk to school on the last day of school for Weston and Sophia Madison.  We have really enjoyed being able to walk the kids to school.  When they ride their bikes, I usually follow them home driving behind them.  It is really nice to be so close to the school and get some forced exercise! 

(Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2012/5/last-walk-to-school Thu, 31 May 2012 20:00:00 GMT
Raymond at camp https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2012/5/raymond-at-camp IMG_0026 Raymond is off to camp!  He will be an All Star at camp for 4 weeks and he is super excited!  

(Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2012/5/raymond-at-camp Mon, 28 May 2012 01:03:00 GMT
Root Beer Float https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2012/5/root-beer-float Weston order a HUGE root beer float at Stone Werks tonight...it was SO good! ;)

(Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2012/5/root-beer-float Sun, 27 May 2012 01:18:00 GMT
TOMS https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2012/5/toms Sophia Madison designed her own TOMS shoes today.  She made a tennis ball on one shoe and a twirler on the other.  Then, she made sure to put Sophia on one shoe, with Madison on the other.  She did a cute job!

(Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2012/5/toms Sun, 27 May 2012 01:16:00 GMT
Eric Carle by Sophia Madison https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2012/5/eric-carle-by-sophia-madison Sophia Madison just may be the next Picasso...

(Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2012/5/eric-carle-by-sophia-madison Sun, 20 May 2012 20:11:00 GMT
SOLD https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2012/5/sold Mama sold her car today....  Many memories in that car...  The boys want me to get a Batmobile now.  Any ideas?

(Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2012/5/sold Fri, 18 May 2012 01:17:00 GMT
Nolan Wayne is getting married... https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2012/4/nolan-wayne-is-getting-married Nolan Wayne's cute little girlfriend drew this wonderful drawing of their wedding.  I love the mohawk that Nolan Wayne has on his wedding day and the detail in her dress is so sophisticated!  :)

(Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2012/4/nolan-wayne-is-getting-married Tue, 03 Apr 2012 20:07:00 GMT
Banana Boat at the lake https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2012/3/banana-boat-at-the-lake The kids had a blast riding the banana boats at the lake.  We also took them out in jet skis and played in the water.  It was a fun weekend.

(Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2012/3/banana-boat-at-the-lake Sat, 10 Mar 2012 21:08:00 GMT
My diarrhea https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2011/12/26_Mydiarrhea object876_1 Last night, Sophia announced to her brothers that “NO ONE is to look in her “Diarrhea”. She announced this while clinching her “Diary”. Kevin whispered to me not to correct her, then he pulled out his phone and got a cute video of her. He was asking her lots of questions about her Diarrhea...what it is, what is it called, where does it go, who can see it, etc... She had no idea that she had the wrong name. It was so funny and so cute. I love that she is still so innocent at 8 years old! ;)]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2011/12/26_Mydiarrhea Mon, 26 Dec 2011 09:32:33 GMT Cindy Lou https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2011/12/22_Cindy_Lou object877_1 Kevin was talking to Nolan Wayne and Kevin called NW stinky. In NW’s cute little quick wit, he replied in a chant: “So are you, Cindy Lou!” It just caught us off guard and of course had us rolling...where does he come up with this stuff?]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2011/12/22_Cindy_Lou Thu, 22 Dec 2011 09:37:11 GMT Powder... https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2011/12/Powder-3 object832_1 The last day of skiing was by far the best. The powder was PERFECT and it was gently snowing all day. Just beautiful and what a wonderful way to end the skiing.]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2011/12/Powder-3 Wed, 14 Dec 2011 16:58:40 GMT Latte time... https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2011/12/Latte-time-3 object831_1 At the end of a cold day of hitting the mountain hard, the latte was something to look forward to!]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2011/12/Latte-time-3 Mon, 12 Dec 2011 16:57:21 GMT Freezing on the chair lift... https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2011/12/Freezing-on-the-chair-lift-3 object830_1 I was without a big coat, without my GLOVES, but I had my good camera. A true photographer will suffer the cold to get that shot. So...against the advice of the lift operators, I rode the 12 minute lift to the top of the mountain. I had my camera and this is one of the many awesome shots that were totally worth freezing for! ;) Hahahaha.... I will remember that ride! ;)]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2011/12/Freezing-on-the-chair-lift-3 Sun, 11 Dec 2011 16:52:31 GMT Skiing Vacation https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2011/12/10_Skiing_Vacation-3 object827_1 Skiing before Christmas with the family. The kids did great...Raymond tried snowboarding....the lifts were freezing! Burrrrrrrr!]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2011/12/10_Skiing_Vacation-3 Sat, 10 Dec 2011 16:48:25 GMT Hot Air Balloon.... https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2011/12/9_Entry_1_1-2 object829_1 We watched a Hot Air Balloon go up right at Dawn...it was beautiful!!]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2011/12/9_Entry_1_1-2 Fri, 09 Dec 2011 16:51:48 GMT Off Roading cannot be resisted https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2011/12/9_Entry_1-3 object828_1 It cannot be resisted, but it was DEEP snow! 4WD comes in handy. ;)]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2011/12/9_Entry_1-3 Fri, 09 Dec 2011 16:50:46 GMT Thanksgiving https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2011/11/24_Thanksgiving-3 object834_1 We had a wonderful Thanksgiving with the Cox Family in San Antonio this year. We had a wonderful brunch on the river, then we sat on the River and watched the lighting of the River Walk and the parade. It was a blast and the kids loved it!]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2011/11/24_Thanksgiving-3 Thu, 24 Nov 2011 09:29:05 GMT Pink https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/9/9_Pink object875_1 Today, I was taking Nolan Wayne into school and he says to me, “Mama, I want you to get a Monster Truck.” I told him that Mama likes her car, but maybe Daddy will get a Monster Truck. He then replied with, “You could get a PINK MONSTER TRUCK!”

I thought it was funny of him to think that if it was PINK, maybe I would get one. ;) He’s so funny.]]>
(Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/9/9_Pink Thu, 09 Sep 2010 19:37:03 GMT
We are ready https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/9/4_We_are_ready-1 object826_1 Batgirl, Buzz Lightbeer, Iron Man & Freddy (Not pictured) will be representing the Cox house on Halloween. That is if their costumes are not in shreds before October 31st from wearing them so much! ;)]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/9/4_We_are_ready-1 Sat, 04 Sep 2010 19:24:13 GMT Bubbles https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/9/4_Bubbles-1 object323_1 Sophia loves her bubbles...she gets them going while she spins around and has a great time with them.]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/9/4_Bubbles-1 Sat, 04 Sep 2010 19:22:20 GMT Chocolate from Daddy https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/9/4_Chocolate_from_Daddy-1 object330_1 Chocolate is always better when squirted in your mouth. ;)]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/9/4_Chocolate_from_Daddy-1 Sat, 04 Sep 2010 19:20:52 GMT Flying Kites https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/9/4_Flying_Kites object015_1 The kids flew their kites and had a blast! They really enjoy it and are getting the hang of it! The boys are working together to get their Spiderman to fly.]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/9/4_Flying_Kites Sat, 04 Sep 2010 18:49:38 GMT 2010 School Year https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/8/23_2010_School_Year object016_1 So we have 3 now in School! Weston started Kindergarten today!! Sophia started 1st grade and Raymond started his Sophomore year! Wow! It was weird taking Nolan to school all by himself...he is normally with Weston year round and Sophia joins them in the summers. They are are excited for their new adventures and are growing leaps and bounds. We are so proud of each of them. :)]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/8/23_2010_School_Year Mon, 23 Aug 2010 07:45:55 GMT Roller Skating https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/7/8_Roller_Skating object017_1 Today was Sophia’s 3rd time and Weston’s first time roller skating. Sophia did remarkably well! Weston did much better than I expected for his first time. He was getting the hang of it and they had a blast with all their friends.]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/7/8_Roller_Skating Thu, 08 Jul 2010 16:18:21 GMT Ride in a ‘fast car’ https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/7/Ride-in-a-fast-car object018_1 I took the kids for a ride in the ISC today... They really enjoyed feeling the wind, but after a day in a convertible...I want my SUV back... :)]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/7/Ride-in-a-fast-car Wed, 07 Jul 2010 16:13:39 GMT Fireworks time... https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/7/Fireworks-time object019_1 ]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/7/Fireworks-time Sun, 04 Jul 2010 16:12:02 GMT Slip-N-Slide https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/7/4_Slip-N-Slide object020_1 Sophia (Weston & NW, too) got their first experience on a slip and slide today. They nearly burned their skin sliding on it so much. :)]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/7/4_Slip-N-Slide Sun, 04 Jul 2010 16:05:19 GMT 4th of July https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/7/4_4th_of_July object021_1 We had a very fun 4th weekend! We had something fun during each moment of the weekend... Lots of food, friends and FIREWORKS! :)]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/7/4_4th_of_July Sun, 04 Jul 2010 16:02:21 GMT Logical sophia https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/6/15_Logical_sophia object874_1 Tonight we were at the store and Sophia saw a big Bubble Gum machine. She naturally wanted one and I explained that they are full of sugar and not good for our bodies. She asked why other kids get them, and I told her that their mommys and daddys don’t care as much about sugar. She quickly gave me a very frustrated and confused face and said, “Why? That is not very nice to Jesus!” She was almost mad about it. :)]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/6/15_Logical_sophia Tue, 15 Jun 2010 20:32:16 GMT Family Photos https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/6/13_Family_Photos object022_1 Well, I have to take full advantage of Mother’s Day and Birthdays when I can. :) I had a ‘no complaining’ and ‘no time limit’ family photo session as part of my birthday present from Kevin. We got some cute pictures of our family and it was actually really fun taking them! We had a good time and then topped it off with lunch at Il Sogno! What a day! :)]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/6/13_Family_Photos Sun, 13 Jun 2010 11:12:25 GMT Love Breakfast https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/6/12_Love_Breakfast object023_1 We all had a fun breakfast this weekend with heart eggs. The kids always enjoy watching me make breakfast and it is a special morning when we can cook and eat leisurely! :) Gotta love weekends. :)]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/6/12_Love_Breakfast Sat, 12 Jun 2010 11:11:04 GMT Summer Blast! https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/6/Summer-Blast object024_1 Sophia and Weston started Summer Blast today! They are so excited and have so many field trips to enjoy this summer! I am so glad they can be together this summer and get used to being together again as they get ready for the next school year.]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/6/Summer-Blast Mon, 07 Jun 2010 11:25:23 GMT Last day of school! https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/6/3_Entry_1 object025_1 Today was the last day of school! Nolan will soon move up to his bigger and better class, Weston will move out of Pre-K and into Kindergarten, Sophia is now a 1st grader and Ray is now a Sophomore! Wow! Can’t believe another year is gone. But they are all off to have a great summer and we look forward to next year bringing lots of new fun things and lots of new friends.]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/6/3_Entry_1 Thu, 03 Jun 2010 11:21:41 GMT Weston’s Season over https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/5/Weston-s-Season-over object026_1 Weston ended his season with a GREAT game! The boys played great, and had a lot of fun. They are all getting the game better and we had a fun party for them afterward. We look forward to another great season for him in the fall.]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/5/Weston-s-Season-over Sun, 30 May 2010 20:34:02 GMT Pink Helicopters https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/5/30_Pink_Helicopters object873_1 Each night when I tuck the boys into bed, I always tell them to dream of Orange Helicopters. Tonight, I told them to dream of Orange Helicopters and Nolan said, “I’m going to dream of a Pink Helicopter for you, Mama”. So cute.]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/5/30_Pink_Helicopters Sun, 30 May 2010 19:53:41 GMT Sophia’s Play Date https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/5/Sophia-s-Play-Date object027_1 Sophia had a few of her friends over and we had so much LOUD fun. :0 We made personally created pizzas and banana splits... we went on a Rolly Polly hunt through the neighborhood...(We found a snail shell and a run-over snake, but no rolly pollies)... They made a city of chalk on our driveway for the rolly pollies inclusive of a Medical Center, etc... (They kept dying, so I guess a medical center was an appropriate addition to their city). They unwound by watching Annie... It was fun, but we are glad we have 3 boys and not 3 girls. They have very loud and high pitched screams. :) hahahaha... Seriously, we had a lot of fun with it and they were a great group of girls.]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/5/Sophia-s-Play-Date Fri, 28 May 2010 20:29:06 GMT Fun in the Forest Day! https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/5/Fun-in-the-Forest-Day object028_1 Today, Sophia had her Fun in the Forest ‘field day’ at school. It was a scorching day, so the water hose was a nice treat! The kids had a blast and we enjoyed spending the morning with Sophia during her first FIF day at school. It is nice to participated in days like this when your kids are so happy to have you there. She is always so excited that we are there to be with her, so we are cherishing every moment of her enthusiasm about our presence. There are only a few years of that! :)]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/5/Fun-in-the-Forest-Day Fri, 28 May 2010 20:25:24 GMT Weston’s Bike Parade https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/5/Weston-s-Bike-Parade object029_1 Weston had a bike parade at school today. All the little ones lined the parking lot and watched the big kids ride their bikes. He had a little trouble keeping his balance in a line, but had fun. NW watched him from his curb-side seat. :)]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/5/Weston-s-Bike-Parade Fri, 28 May 2010 20:16:43 GMT Sophia’s first Ad https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/5/26_Entry_1 object030_1 Today we took pictures of Sophia and her friend from Ballet for the Lexus Ad for their Ballet recital program. It was so fun and I have NOT posted the photo from the ad...you’ll have to wait for the program! ;) It was so fun shooting it!]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/5/26_Entry_1 Wed, 26 May 2010 20:06:53 GMT Three Piggy Opera https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/5/25_Three_Piggy_Opera object031_1 Today, Sophia performed in a Kindergarten Three Little Pigs Musical Performance. She was a Pig and it was a very cute production.]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/5/25_Three_Piggy_Opera Tue, 25 May 2010 20:18:27 GMT marshmallows https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/5/25_marshmallows object837_1 Tonight I was painting my nails and I had the cotton out. Nolan Wayne comes up and asks me, “Are those Marshmallows? Can I have one?” I immediately thought of the movie Elf when Will Ferrel eats the cotton balls one after another. Gulp, gulp, gulp... :)]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/5/25_marshmallows Tue, 25 May 2010 19:09:37 GMT I hold on real tight https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/5/24_I_hold_on_tight object838_1 Kevin picked up the boys from school and on their way home, Kevin was having fun with them. He told Nolan Wayne that he was going to put him on top of the car and let him ride up there on the way home. Nolan Wayne seriously said, “I hold on real tight, Daddy!”

Kevin said he laughed out loud it was so cute and funny.]]>
(Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/5/24_I_hold_on_tight Mon, 24 May 2010 19:04:53 GMT
Day at the River https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/5/23_Day_at_the_River object032_1 We went to the lake with a bunch of friends and had a wonderful relaxing blast. The kids had a GREAT time and so did we! Our cooler was hilarious... beer, wine and milk for the kids. What a combo...a great combo! :)]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/5/23_Day_at_the_River Sun, 23 May 2010 19:44:29 GMT Weston’s game https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/5/Weston-s-game object033_1 Weston had another game Saturday and all the boys are learning the game. It is just getting good and then we have our last game soon! I guess we’ll pick it up again in the fall. :)]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/5/Weston-s-game Sat, 22 May 2010 19:41:18 GMT Sophia’s Ballet Recital https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/5/Sophia-s-Ballet-Recital object034_1 Sophia’s recital is coming up soon! We are happy to have completed her first year of Ballet. The recital should be spectacular and we are very excited to see her experience her very first stage performance.

I remember my first recital, and will never forget that we had to perform in a series of shows. I didn’t mess up any part of my ballet or tap (that I recall), except in the very last show, I dropped my top hat. It is on video somewhere...but I just kept tapping with no hat and it was fine. But...I will always remember my first recital and I hope Sophia’s is as memorable as mine was.]]>
(Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/5/Sophia-s-Ballet-Recital Fri, 21 May 2010 20:08:33 GMT
End of School https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/5/21_Entry_1 object035_1 Sophia was getting on the bus and got this picture of her before she closed the door. She is my little Kindergarten girl now and soon she will be out of Kinder and on to bigger and better things. Kindergarten is still such a small and innocent class and I love experiencing her Kinder year with her. She had so much fun and learned so much in school. She is growing up into a wonderful little girl and we are so proud of her.]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/5/21_Entry_1 Fri, 21 May 2010 05:49:26 GMT Ray Skeet Shooting https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/5/20_Ray_Skeet_Shooting object036_1 As an early birthday present, we took Ray skeet shooting. This was his first time ever shooting a real gun. Kevin had him go through an official gun lesson by their coach and got proper instruction from someone he is most likely to listen to. Parents don’t always cut it. He did well and shot 3 discs out of the air on his first day...not bad.]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/5/20_Ray_Skeet_Shooting Thu, 20 May 2010 05:44:34 GMT Now Weston... https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/5/Now-Weston object037_1 We went to yoga class and while we were in there, Weston took a dive on the carpet in the kid’s club. He was running a truck (just like he does at home ALL the time) on the carpet and tripped over a shoe and went flying. His eye was swollen for 2 days and he still has the mark. Not a pretty sight, but at least there are no stitches or glue involved in his healing process. :)]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/5/Now-Weston Wed, 19 May 2010 20:13:18 GMT Fun Weekend https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/5/15_Fun_Weekend object038_1 We met up with my family this past weekend to celebrate Mother’s Day together. We had so much fun riding 4wheelers, playing paintball, swimming in the pool, playing in the sand, enjoying the hot tub, swimming in the lake, making sand castles and drinking ‘crocodile bites’ by the water. We also had fun getting some great Italian food and picking some fresh berries from the Berry Farm. We didn’t want to come home, but are looking forward to a fun-filled summer to enjoy these fun activities!

Click here to check out our weekend pics.]]>
(Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/5/15_Fun_Weekend Sat, 15 May 2010 17:18:36 GMT
Berry Pickin’ https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/5/Berry-Pickin object039_1 We went Berry pickin’ today and got some yummy strawberries and blackberries. It was a perfect day for it...not too hot. They went well with our vanilla bean ice cream at home! :)]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/5/Berry-Pickin Sat, 15 May 2010 05:54:17 GMT 4wheeling https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/5/15_Entry_1 object040_1 Kevin took Ray and his Uncle Kyle out 4 wheeling in the Hill Country. This was an early birthday present for Ray. They said the countryside was beautiful and they had a great time. They got 2 flat tires, so I guess that means they had fun. :)]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/5/15_Entry_1 Sat, 15 May 2010 05:52:27 GMT Growing Up Celebration - Weston https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/5/14_Growing_Up_Celebration_-_Weston object041_1 This morning, Weston got to perform in his Growing Up Celebration at his school. They put on a little pageant every year for the children moving up to a bigger class. Weston performed last year with Sophia, but this year was the only one of our little ones that was performing. He did a great job and looked very cute up on stage.

This performance was his little graduation ceremony for Pre-K. Next year, he will join Sophia at Kindergarten and he is very excited about that. He’s getting so big. :( :) :( :)]]>
(Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/5/14_Growing_Up_Celebration_-_Weston Fri, 14 May 2010 10:41:28 GMT
Weston is silly https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/5/14_Weston_is_silly object839_1 This morning, Kevin was playing with the kids while they were eating breakfast and he was making funny noises. Weston pipes up with, “Daddy, you must have poopy in your coffee because you sound funny!”

All Boy w/ encouragement from Daddy.]]>
(Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/5/14_Weston_is_silly Fri, 14 May 2010 10:32:15 GMT
Christy’s Hope Gala https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/5/Christy-s-Hope-Gala object042_1 Sophia and I went to the Christy’s Hope event at the Hyatt Hill Country resort tonight. It is an event that benefits the local Battered Women and Children’s Shelter. They had a great caribbean style local band, food, drinks (Sophia had two Non-Alcoholic Mimosas...called Mimosis) and we saw lots of familiar faces. Fun event.

They also had a big silent auction and I snapped this picture for my sister Rachel. They were auctioning off a signed poster of Johnny Depp. Last I checked it was at right under $300... Rachel’s all-time favorite actor is Johnny Depp...so I teased her a little with this... :)]]>
(Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/5/Christy-s-Hope-Gala Thu, 13 May 2010 10:37:11 GMT
Science Lab for Sophia https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/5/12_Science_Lab_for_Sophia object043_1 Today, I met Sophia for lunch at her school and helped with her Science Lab. They played with bubbles, made whirly gigs and made their hand print on solar paper. It was fun, but after an hour of kindergarteners running everywhere, I was ready to get in my AC and get back to work. :) She had lots of fun and it is so fun to know all her friends at school. She has a good class of kids.]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/5/12_Science_Lab_for_Sophia Wed, 12 May 2010 10:34:38 GMT Sophia lost her first tooth! https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/5/Sophia-lost-her-first-tooth object044_1 Sophia’s tooth has been loose for a few weeks now and we’ve been watching it. Well...yesterday she was saying how loose it was and it really was quite loose. Then, I thought...wouldn’t it be awesome if she lost her first tooth on Mother’s Day!! :) So...we tried to pull it out and sure enough...it came! :) How cool...just made yesterday even that much more special.

Click here to see a video of us pulling her tooth!

I didn’t have a tooth pillow for her yet or anything designated for her to put her tooth in for the tooth fairy...so I ran upstairs and sewed a quick pillow to match her bedding with a pocket in the front for her tooth. She got her tooth in the pillow pocket and put it under her pillow. Then, she went to sleep.... We had a visit by the tooth fairy last night and Sophia woke up with sparkly fairy dust all over her and some money from the tooth fairy. She also left a note for Sophia that told her she could keep all of her baby teeth and her little tooth was laying safely in a pillow box...

(Sophia heard somewhere that the tooth fairy takes the teeth, so we had to dispel that rumor... :)

We had fun with her losing her first little tooth and look forward to having lots of fun with the rest of her teeth. I’m sure we’ll do it a little differently for the boys...I don’t think fairy dust will be quite as exciting for them. ;)]]>
(Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/5/Sophia-lost-her-first-tooth Sun, 09 May 2010 11:58:42 GMT
Happy Mudder’s Day https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/5/Happy-Mudder-s-Day object045_1 Well I certainly hope and trust that your Mother’s Day was wonderful for any Mothers reading this! :) Nolan Wayne said “Happy Balemtimes Day”...Weston said, “Happy Mudder’s Day”...and Sophia & Ray have it down! What a great day!

I received lots of special hand-made paintings and arts/crafts from all my kids...which I cherish. Click here to see our Mother’s Day weekend.

Kevin gave me a very moving card on Mother’s Day, too. We have been married for 13 years this December and still going strong. I remember my Aunt Becky told me that she loves her husband so much more now, than she did on their wedding day. I understand what she means by that and am so thankful to have such a supportive, loving and strong husband to take care of me and our family in so many different ways. He says I am the glue for our family, but he’s our foundation. I guess we need each other. :)

Another thing that made my Mother’s Day very special was that Sophia lost her very first tooth on Mother’s Day! Yeah! We have a video of this fun experience and it made yesterday even more memorable!

I got to iChat with my Mom and Sisters (entire family, really) and that was very nice. We will see them to celebrate together soon.

(Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/5/Happy-Mudder-s-Day Sun, 09 May 2010 11:01:30 GMT
Weston hit a homer today https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/5/8_Weston_hit_a_homer_today object046_1 Weston had fun playing tball today! The kids had a good game and they all played well and had fun! Good game! ;)]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/5/8_Weston_hit_a_homer_today Sat, 08 May 2010 11:02:02 GMT loves everyone https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/5/7_loves_everyone object840_1 Nolan was sitting on my lap and gave me the sweetest smile and said...”I love Daddy...my sister...I love Raymond...I love Weston...I love Mama” Very sweet.

Then, he also brought my Mother’s Day gift home and gave it to me. He so proudly said, “Happy Balemtimes Day!” Mothers Day...Valentines Day...it’s all love to him! :)]]>
(Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/5/7_loves_everyone Fri, 07 May 2010 16:18:21 GMT
Battered Women/Children’s Shelter https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/5/Battered-Women/Children-s-Shelter object047_1 I went to a luncheon for the shelter and Denise Brown was the keynote speaker for the shelter luncheon. As the late Nicole Brown Simpson’s sister, she had a great story to tell and was very moving. Let it be a reminder to all of us to watch for signs of abuse and violence among our friends and children we come in contact with.]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/5/Battered-Women/Children-s-Shelter Fri, 07 May 2010 15:51:41 GMT San Antonio Opera Luncheon https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/5/6_San_Antonio_Opera_Luncheon object048_1 Today, I attended a luncheon to support the SA Opera and it was fabulous! There were 300 women serenaded by San Antonio’s Three Tenors! They were terrific! We also received a wonderful fashion show by Neiman and it was spectacular! What a wonderful luncheon and I look forward to Opera season this June!]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/5/6_San_Antonio_Opera_Luncheon Thu, 06 May 2010 15:55:26 GMT Ray turned into an Alien https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/5/6_Ray_turned_into_an_Alien object049_1 What a Day!!! At 4:30 a.m., Nolan had to go potty. at 5:00 a.m. Ray wakes us up saying he’s ‘itchy’. Kevin was initially dismissing him until he turned the light on and Ray was an ALIEN. !!!! His eyes were swollen shut and his face looked like he was recovering from a bad facelift surgery. He had knots all over his body that itched him. Wow! What in the world? THEN...Nolan says he’s sick...Weston says he’s sick...then the Carbon Monoxide detector went off! I get all the kids on the front porch, then Nolan vomits all over me and the front porch brick.

So picture this...We are all on the porch with vomit all over me, Nolan is throwing up and we’re waving at the neighbor kids walking to school to ‘have a good day’. Not a Stepford Wives moment.

But, now we’re worried after the alarm went off. We have one son that is an Alien and three little ones that could be exposed to Carbon Monoxide poisoning! Well... LONG story short...it was ALL a huge coincidence. Ray was allergic to his skin antibiotic and had an allergic reaction. After his steroid pack, he’s fine.

Then, Nolan apparently just had a little stomach bug that was going around at school...and Weston didn’t get sick but was claiming to be sick to stay home...who knows! Sophia was fine all along and was just a little late to school.

Crazy day. Kevin told me that morning that we have so many days that are just the craziest ever! :) Funny, but this takes the cake for this week at least... ;)]]>
(Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/5/6_Ray_turned_into_an_Alien Thu, 06 May 2010 06:16:34 GMT
Bowling https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/5/5_Bowling object050_1 I took the little boys bowling. They had an absolute blast and they used the bumpers AND the ramp. I ended up giving each of them one of my ‘bowls’ so they could have more turns. They loved it and were so cute trying to bowl. They used all their might to get the ball rolling really really slowly down the lane. Hilarious.

Afterward, we got slushes from Sonic and had a fun night. :)]]>
(Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/5/5_Bowling Wed, 05 May 2010 15:49:37 GMT
Weston is on First! https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/5/Weston-is-on-First object051_1 Weston was playing first base yesterday at his t-ball game. He had a fun game and we’re enjoying watching all the kids learn the game and amuse us in the process. They are all so fun to watch!]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/5/Weston-is-on-First Sun, 02 May 2010 08:05:17 GMT Spongebob with Daddy https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/4/28_Spongebob_with_Daddy object052_1 Nolan climbed up on Daddy to watch Spongebob. It was so cute seeing them sitting there together I had to add it to our blog. :)]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/4/28_Spongebob_with_Daddy Wed, 28 Apr 2010 08:07:43 GMT Big Dog https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/4/27_Entry_1 object841_1 We were driving to school and Nolan Wayne said, “I am the big dog. No...Daddy is the big dog and I’m the Little Dog”]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/4/27_Entry_1 Tue, 27 Apr 2010 10:07:08 GMT my blood and bones https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/4/26_my_blood_and_bones object842_1 Today, Nolan Wayne was looking at a tiny dot on his leg that he called a BooBoo. Then, he said, “My blood and my bones are going to come out of this BooBoo”. So funny. He then, retracted and said that his bones are too big to come out...only the blood. :)]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/4/26_my_blood_and_bones Mon, 26 Apr 2010 11:23:30 GMT Ready for Summer! https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/4/Ready-for-Summer object053_1 We went to the resort pool today so the kids could get wet. They got a little more wet than we anticipated without their suits on, but it was fun. The boys got wet to their necks (typical of boys), but Sophia did a good job staying dry considering how hard that is to do when you’re having fun! Ray and Daddy relaxed by the pool in the shade...]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/4/Ready-for-Summer Sun, 25 Apr 2010 11:11:28 GMT T_Ball https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/4/24_T_Ball object191_1 Weston played a t-ball game on Saturday. He did well and had fun. It is starting to get WARM!!!!

Today, he ran from first to home on a good hit...]]>
(Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/4/24_T_Ball Sat, 24 Apr 2010 11:04:30 GMT
Miss San Antonio Pageant https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/4/23_Miss_San_Antonio_Pageant object192_1 Sophia and I took a trip Downtown to celebrate Fiesta on the river and watch the Miss San Antonio Pageant. She got some ice cream on the river and we got to celebrate fiesta downtown together. Then, at intermission, we got a chocolate milk & a latte at the restaurant around the corner. Sophia got lots of attention with her little hat and we had a great time...just girl time...]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/4/23_Miss_San_Antonio_Pageant Fri, 23 Apr 2010 11:01:39 GMT Sophia’s Fiesta Parade https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/4/Sophia-s-Fiesta-Parade object193_1 Sophia made a strawberry shortcake float. She pushed her doll stroller through her school halls and had so much fun doing it. What a fun fiesta!]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/4/Sophia-s-Fiesta-Parade Thu, 22 Apr 2010 11:06:44 GMT Nolan Wayne Lost It! https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/4/Nolan-Wayne-Lost-It object194_1 He did so well the first time around, but had to snap this photo of him on his second trip around. :( So cute...]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/4/Nolan-Wayne-Lost-It Thu, 22 Apr 2010 11:00:39 GMT Fiesta Parades https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/4/22_Fiesta_Parades object195_1 Today, Sophia, Weston & Nolan all had fiesta parades at their schools. I let Sophia play hooky in the morning so she could watch the boy’s parades at Concordia. Then, I picked up the boys early in the afternoon so they could watch Sophia’s parade at her school. They all had fun and there were so many good floats this year! Nolan did make it past me once in the parade without crying, but the second time he saw me, he cried. He’s still my baby. :)

*See the Fiesta Parades Album on our Album page!]]>
(Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/4/22_Fiesta_Parades Thu, 22 Apr 2010 10:45:42 GMT
Weston’s flower garden at school https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/4/Weston-s-flower-garden-at-school-1 object196_1 Weston’s class planted a garden at school a few weeks ago. Weston brought a red Begonia and is sitting next to it in this picture. It is growing and blooming very nicely.]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/4/Weston-s-flower-garden-at-school-1 Mon, 19 Apr 2010 08:03:59 GMT Fiesta! https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/4/Fiesta object197_1 I met Kathryn & Drew at a Fiesta party and the kids had a ball. Drew and Weston got their hair painted orange, they drew sponges into Spongebob and they got to watch a Flamenco dance. All good fiesta fun!]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/4/Fiesta Sun, 18 Apr 2010 10:43:33 GMT Him Can’t Talk https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/4/13_Entry_1 object843_1 Kevin was outside with the kids in the dark watching a possum last night. Kevin explained that the reason why we could get so close was because the Possum can’t HEAR very well. So, Nolan told me afterward that we got close because the “Postum” can’t talk, so we got close.

This morning, we saw a Cardinal on our back porch and the first thing Nolan said about it was, “Him can’t talk”...]]>
(Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/4/13_Entry_1 Tue, 13 Apr 2010 05:32:35 GMT
Funny face https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/4/12_Funny_face-1 object198_1 Nolan made this face right as I snapped the photo...the kids were in the yard getting wet from the sprinklers. They are SOOOOOO ready for the pool to open! :)]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/4/12_Funny_face-1 Mon, 12 Apr 2010 19:11:05 GMT Pump it up https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/4/10_Pump_it_up object199_1 We went to our friend’s birthday party on Sunday and we all had a great time. Fun, fun, fun... and lots of rug burns on our elbows and bandaids afterward... :)]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/4/10_Pump_it_up Sat, 10 Apr 2010 19:07:08 GMT Easter Weekend https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/4/4_Easter_Weekend object200_1 We just got back from a fun-filled Easter Weekend at Nana & PawPaw’s house. Nana’s favorite Holiday is Easter, and she is the Easter bunny for the kids every year (so far). They love it and love going to their house for Easter. The kids got to decorate eggs, hunt for eggs and we all had a confetti egg fight. They got awesome baskets with all sorts of cool stuff inside. The adults even got baskets with all kinds of goodies. Nana goes all out! Then, we had a very nice Easter brunch at the Club on Base.

Saturday, the guys got into making their own creations on PawPaw’s lathe. They really had fun doing that and spent most of Saturday taking turns on it. They all made wonderful creations for all of the ladies! And better yet, they made their creations from wood my dad glued together 25 years ago!

A great weekend, and we’re off to bed! :) ~whew!
(Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/4/4_Easter_Weekend Sun, 04 Apr 2010 20:35:39 GMT
Confetti eggs https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/4/4_Confetti_eggs object844_1 After spending Easter weekend and Nana & PawPaw’s, I was tucking the boys into bed and talking about our weekend. Weston was talking about the confetti eggs and he said, “I cracked an egg on Nana’s head because I love her”. :) I got a chuckle.... :)]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/4/4_Confetti_eggs Sun, 04 Apr 2010 19:34:10 GMT Sorry Guys... https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/4/2_Entry_1 object845_1 So we are driving up to Wichita Falls...6 hours in the car... and we all ‘smell something’. Nolan pipes up with, “Sorry Guys, I have gas.” And of course, it was in the cutest little voice ever and with a shy little smile...then a laugh. So cute.]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/4/2_Entry_1 Fri, 02 Apr 2010 20:21:46 GMT Stinky https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/3/29_Stinky object846_1 Today, I took all the little ones to Hobby Lobby to get some ribbon. All the sudden I smell a foul diaper smell, so I asked Nolan, “Did you go poopy in your diaper?”. His response was, “No, Weston just smells.” HA! Cracked me up...especially after seeing the awkward and surprised look on Weston’s face.]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/3/29_Stinky Mon, 29 Mar 2010 11:58:42 GMT Day at the River https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/3/28_Day_at_the_River object201_1 We had fun with the family at the river! It was cold, but the kids played and had fun! Sophia made mud soup for everyone and the boys enjoyed throwing rocks into the water. Kevin tried to cross the river, but the water was just so darn cold! :) It was a relaxing day and we can’t wait for summer!]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/3/28_Day_at_the_River Sun, 28 Mar 2010 11:47:08 GMT Bluebonnets https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/3/27_Bluebonnets object202_1 We took the kids out to the Bluebonnets. Sophia enjoyed smelling them and Weston enjoyed picking them for Mama. Nolan liked stomping around and Ray just wanted to go eat. :) Typical Saturday night... :)]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/3/27_Bluebonnets Sat, 27 Mar 2010 11:44:23 GMT Nolan’s birthday https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/3/Nolan-s-birthday object203_1 Nolan is 3. Wow. I can’t believe he is already 3. What a big boy he is getting. He had many different birthday celebrations last week and got a great new ‘fast car’ & a Spiderman cake. For Nolan, life is good! :)]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/3/Nolan-s-birthday Thu, 25 Mar 2010 12:34:20 GMT Sports guy https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/3/23_Sports_guy object204_1 Weston had his first t-ball practice tonight and had a good practice. Daddy did have to leave his practice to take Nolan to the ER, but Weston got a good practice in and had his first game this past Saturday. Another fun season! ;)]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/3/23_Sports_guy Tue, 23 Mar 2010 12:50:54 GMT Scars https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/3/23_Scars object205_1 When I put Nolan in his Monkey bandaid PJs that read “Chicks love scars”, I didn’t realize he would be in those PJs in the ER getting his head glued together. :( What a night! He ran full speed into the piano leg (that is now dented) and broke his little head. It was a scary thing, but he is healing and was excited to see that the ‘fire cops’ came to our house that night after our 911 call.]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/3/23_Scars Tue, 23 Mar 2010 12:47:47 GMT Planting flowers https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/3/21_Planting_flowers object206_1 Sophia was happy to get her princess planting gear at Lowe’s last weekend to help us plant our Spring flowers/herbs. We had a good time and the boys had fun playing with their sticks. :)]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/3/21_Planting_flowers Sun, 21 Mar 2010 12:52:31 GMT St. Patrick’s Day... https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/3/St-Patrick-s-Day object207_1 We took all the kids to get pizza on St. Patrick’s Day. You can watch them make the pizza and they get to play with raw dough while we wait for our pizza. They love it and we had fun.]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/3/St-Patrick-s-Day Wed, 17 Mar 2010 17:48:55 GMT Nolan Wayne’s latest watercolor art https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/3/Nolan-Wayne-s-latest-watercolor-art object208_1 This is Nolan’s newest Watercolor he did at school. I thought it was pretty good. :) It is also the background to this page (at the moment)...]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/3/Nolan-Wayne-s-latest-watercolor-art Thu, 11 Mar 2010 18:48:29 GMT Door curtains https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/3/1_Door_curtains object209_1 Sophia and Mama made new door curtains for Sophia’s room. They are brown satin on one side and Green seersucker on the other. She’s excited!]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/3/1_Door_curtains Mon, 01 Mar 2010 20:34:23 GMT Banana Foster French Toast https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/2/28_Banana_Foster_French_Toast object210_1 Sunday we had a fun breakfast. Yummy!]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/2/28_Banana_Foster_French_Toast Sun, 28 Feb 2010 20:45:31 GMT Painting Easter Eggs https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/2/28_Painting_Easter_Eggs object211_1 The kids painted wooden Eggs to get in the Easter spirit. We even added cowboy hats to each of them.]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/2/28_Painting_Easter_Eggs Sun, 28 Feb 2010 20:43:57 GMT Naptime https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/2/28_Naptime object212_1 Daddy and Sophia were out taking a nap on the back deck during a wonderful Sunday afternoon. Sophia was caught mid-yawn!]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/2/28_Naptime Sun, 28 Feb 2010 20:41:54 GMT Basketball Celebration https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/2/27_Basketball_Celebration object213_1 We had a fun end of season celebration with Weston’s Basketball team on Saturday. Lot of fun!]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/2/27_Basketball_Celebration Sat, 27 Feb 2010 20:49:30 GMT S’mores https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/2/S-mores object214_1 We had S’mores on a great fire in the firepit Saturday night. It was a perfect night and we had a great time.]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/2/S-mores Sat, 27 Feb 2010 20:47:08 GMT Weston’s last night of being 4 https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/2/Weston-s-last-night-of-being-4 object215_1 Weston made a video (that is too long to put on our Podcast page) last night talking about all the things he can do now that he is 5. It was cute and we had a nice time tucking him in for the last time as a 4 year old. He is getting so big!]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/2/Weston-s-last-night-of-being-4 Fri, 19 Feb 2010 08:49:29 GMT 5 already? https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/2/18_5_already-1 object216_1 I cannot believe that our little McLovin’ is already turning 5! He has grown so much since last year and we are so proud of our little man! We have celebrated his birthday all weekend and plan to celebrate this weekend, too. What a birthday! Happy Birthday, Weston!!!!]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/2/18_5_already-1 Thu, 18 Feb 2010 10:13:24 GMT get little? https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/2/18_get_little object847_1 On Friday, the kids were going through all their Valentine’s Boxes / Bags from school parties. My Uncle Jim was in town over the weekend and asked Nolan, “Can I have some of that Candy?”. Nolan’s response was, “When you GET LITTLE, you can have candy”. :)]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/2/18_get_little Thu, 18 Feb 2010 09:59:59 GMT Always like your prayers https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/2/18_Always_like_your_prayers object848_1 At dinner tonight, Sophia wanted to say the prayer. So, Sophia used the tune of a prayer song she learned in school, but made up her own words. It was very cute and very nice...she thanked God for the food and asked to be able to grow. After her sweet prayer, Weston very seriously said to her, “I always like your prayers, Sophia”.

It was so cute.]]>
(Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/2/18_Always_like_your_prayers Thu, 18 Feb 2010 08:32:15 GMT
To the Moon, mama https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/2/To-the-Moon-mama object849_1 Nolan Wayne is telling me he loves me all the time now. He has started saying, “I love you to the Moon, Mama”. It is so cute and never gets old! :)]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/2/To-the-Moon-mama Tue, 09 Feb 2010 19:26:14 GMT Fun at EZ’s https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/2/Fun-at-EZ-s object217_1 I took the boys for a treat at EZ’s for pizza and chocolate shakes. They love going there and it was fun to see them get so excited over milkshakes. The only problem is that I need to start asking for two cherries!]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/2/Fun-at-EZ-s Tue, 09 Feb 2010 19:08:14 GMT Put your LEFT foot IN! https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/2/Put-your-LEFT-foot-IN object218_1 Sophia and Nolan Wayne were doing the Hokey Pokey on the rink floor during a birthday party this past weekend. They had a ball! (Check out the video on the Podcast page of Nolan skating). Sophia was rounding the floor with her friends and she had fun with all of her friends.]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/2/Put-your-LEFT-foot-IN Sun, 07 Feb 2010 19:19:48 GMT Good game https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/2/6_Good_game object219_1 Weston had a good game this past Saturday and I got on the other side of the camera for a change! Hey! :) Thanks M!]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/2/6_Good_game Sat, 06 Feb 2010 19:17:47 GMT He’s a Hustler! https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/2/He-s-a-Hustler object220_1 We always encourage Weston to be aggressive with his sports, and when they are 4 years old, the Y doesn’t really want them to be that aggressive. So...we have to tone it down sometimes. Weston wrestled all these boys (ON THE SAME TEAM, REMEMBER) to the ground for this ball. <)>]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/2/He-s-a-Hustler Sat, 06 Feb 2010 19:15:12 GMT Ballet Girl https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/2/6_Ballet_Girl object221_1 Sophia is enjoying her ballet class. They measured her for their costumes for the recital and we are SO excited to see them! I pulled out my old ballet costume from when I was little and also found the matching ballet costume my Mom had made to fit my Cabbage Patch Doll. It was so cute and Sophia is going to get the Cabbage Patch ballet costume that was mine for Valentine’s Day. It will be for her CP doll she just got for Christmas. Shhhhhh....don’t tell her! :)]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/2/6_Ballet_Girl Sat, 06 Feb 2010 19:12:01 GMT What is wrong with this picture? https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/2/6_What_is_wrong_with_this_picture object222_1 Well, the good news is that he dressed himself. The funny news is the obvious misunderstanding that there is a hole for each leg... I guess everyone puts their pants on one leg at a time, but Nolan puts his on with two legs at a time. :)]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/2/6_What_is_wrong_with_this_picture Sat, 06 Feb 2010 19:09:41 GMT Weston at the Dentist https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/2/2_Weston_at_the_Dentist object223_1 We are getting Weston an appliance to help proper bone growth in his jaw. Per our Pediatric Dentist, the bones are much easier to manipulate at his age now then when he is a teenager in braces. So...Weston had a little laughing gas so he wouldn’t gag with the impressions! :) We wish PawPaw could do it!!!]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/2/2_Weston_at_the_Dentist Tue, 02 Feb 2010 12:08:58 GMT Let’s RODEO San AnTONIO!!! https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/2/Let-s-RODEO-San-AnTONIO object224_1 Well, it is rodeo time again! Yeah! We all love the rodeo (at least once a season) and enjoy getting all dressed in our cowboy/cowgirl gear! The kids are looking forward to a fun day at the grounds and we are looking forward to sharing it with family and friends this year! More pictures to come!

Sophia is particularly looking forward to riding the merry go round again. Weston is looking forward to seeing the BULLS and Nolan doesn’t remember the rodeo last year, but will enjoy the petting zoo and all that the rodeo has to offer. Ray will enjoy the food and carnival games, where he spends $20 to get a plastic toy that will break. But I suppose that is the fun of it at 14. I just hope he doesn’t get sick off the rides after eating all the greasy food. But again, that’s the fun of it at 14. :)

Kevin and I are staying busy with all the things we jump into. Sophia is gearing up for her ballet recital this summer and we are looking forward to her getting her costume! They keep it a surprise, so we are anxious to see it!

Ray is going to a church retreat this weekend for his Confirmation class. We hope he has a great weekend.

Weston is still in basketball and Nolan Wayne is on the sidelines wishing he could play, too. :)

All is well.]]>
(Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/2/Let-s-RODEO-San-AnTONIO Tue, 02 Feb 2010 11:49:56 GMT
Day at the Gym https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/1/31_Day_at_the_Gym-1 object225_1 Weston has had two birthday parties for his friends at the gymnasium. He really likes jumping in the foam and running around. He was swinging on the rope for awhile and learned to time when he drops off.]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/1/31_Day_at_the_Gym-1 Sun, 31 Jan 2010 19:06:13 GMT Weston playing ball https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/1/30_Weston_playing_ball object226_1 Weston is having so much fun playing ball this season. He loves his friends on his team and we are really enjoying it since we have an excuse to get together with our friends while we are watching! It is fun.]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/1/30_Weston_playing_ball Sat, 30 Jan 2010 19:04:26 GMT Sophia Mama https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/1/19_Sophia_Mama object850_1 Sophia was watching me cook and she said, “I am going to watch everything you do so I can be a Mama someday”. She said it with an excited smile on her face. :) She will be a great Mama one day. :)]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/1/19_Sophia_Mama Tue, 19 Jan 2010 10:02:50 GMT Girl song! https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/1/Girl-song object851_1 Today, Weston and Nolan Wayne asked me to turn on some music in the car. So the song on the radio was “I need you now” by Lady Antebellum. Nolan Wayne immediately says, “NO! That’s a GIRL SONG!”

They are both all boy.]]>
(Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/1/Girl-song Thu, 14 Jan 2010 19:00:44 GMT
What a busy year this is! https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/1/What-a-busy-year-this-is object228_1 Whew. We have been going going! I cannot believe we are already half way through January! We kept our Christmas tree up as long as possible for the kids this year. They did NOT want us to take it down, and honestly we love having the lights on each morning and night, too. BUT...it is down and packed up in the attic. We have brought our Valentines decor out and are gearing up for that holiday. Sophia is enjoying her little Valentines ‘heart’ outfits she has for school.
Ray is very much immersed in school right now. He has had finals all week and has a big day today and tomorrow. This weekend, we will volunteer for the Churchill Classic Debate. His HS hosts a huge Debate Competition this weekend. There will be over 55 school in attendance and we will be bringing food & volunteering. Churchill hosts a great Debate Tournament and they want to continue to live up to their reputation!
The boys are doing great...just playing like little bear cubs. They are so funny and give us much joy to watch them together. They are our ‘little monsters’!. Weston is enjoying his basketball league this season. He has many friends from school on the team, so it makes it so much easier for him to integrate into the game. He is actually being very aggressive and is doing great! He hasn’t been shy...he goes after the ball (even when his own team member has the ball) :) But...he’s 4...that is expected I suppose! :) It’s fun to see him play!
Kevin and I have jumped off the plank with events this year. We are involved in the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society ParTee this year on a personal level. I have always been involved heavily through work, but this year, we are chairing a committee to support our good friends, the McPeaks. We are also chairing the Preview Party to the Witte Game Dinner and hope to knock it out of the park with a great evening! So...we’ve been busy keeping up with the kids, our volunteer activities, WORK, kids’ homework/Kumon, going to the gym and trying to keep our sanity at the same time! :) It’s always a fun challenge. :)
So... Off to another fun day!]]>
(Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2010/1/What-a-busy-year-this-is Thu, 14 Jan 2010 08:08:59 GMT
The Year is OVER! https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2009/12/The-Year-is-OVER object229_1 Well, I simply cannot believe that 2009 is almost over. Wow. Our year has been filled with much joy and many new opportunities. We have had the wonderful blessing of new friends and new adventures with our children.
We had a blast this year at the Rodeo back in February! The kids are so excited to go again! Weston turned 4, then Nolan turned 3... They are getting SO BIG! We had a great summer, as we visited Northern Michigan. Ray turned 14 and had fun celebrating on the lake in Michigan with family. We also had a wonderful fall, as we celebrated Sophia turning 6 this year. She had a pool birthday party and had a blast. Kevin and I also had birthdays, but they don’t count this year... We are still 29...both of us. :)
We took FULL ADVANTAGE of all that our favorite season, fall, has to offer! We went to fall festivals, pumpkin patches, made fall food, ate fall food and just had so much fun. The weather was perfect and the kids had fun doing all the fun activities during October & November.
Then, we spent Thanksgiving with Nana, PawPaw, Aunt Rachel, Uncle Kyle, Aunt Angie and Baby Jackson. We were also able to see our new Nephew/Cousin be born in December...Hudson Carter... He is so precious and such a sweet baby. The kids often talk about their cousins Jackson & Hudson and love to see them!
This year’s Christmas was very nice for us. We had a quiet Christmas with just our immediate family, and Santa was very good to all the kids this year. The toys are still in the living room under the tree...as the kids have just been playing under the tree all week. It has been great. Weston got a remote control BIG YELLOW truck! (If you’ve known us for 12+ years, you know the significance of that... :) Next, Ray got some XBox games, Spurs clothes & money for ‘stuff’. Then, Sophia got some roller skates that she loves. Last, but not least, Nolan got a Lightening McQueen racecar that he enjoys running back and forth through the house. The glow sticks are also a favorite and believe it or not, the Altoids Santa brought were also a hit! Go figure! Way to go, Santa! ; )
As we move into 2010, I am reflecting on our year and it has just flown by. I suspect that 2010 will do the same. Our kids are growing and time is so precious. I look forward to continuing to be involved with everything they do. I wouldn’t miss it! We also look forward to continuing our adult activities, as we have done in 2009. Kevin and I enjoyed our involvement with various charities this year and hope to have the time this year to continue to give back & meet new people through those events. We are already starting a charity meeting the first week of January, so I guess we’re off to a good start! :)
Kevin is closing his year today by playing golf with some buddies... We are also bringing in the New Year with friends and are looking forward to it! We wish all of you a wonderful 2010! So from our family to your’s.... Happy New Year and may 2010 be wonderful for you & your loved ones!]]>
(Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2009/12/The-Year-is-OVER Wed, 30 Dec 2009 09:19:02 GMT
Christmas Pretzels https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2009/12/28_Christmas_Pretzels object230_1 We had fun making some goodies for Christmas. The kids helped dip some pretzels and had fun putting lots of sprinkles on them!]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2009/12/28_Christmas_Pretzels Mon, 28 Dec 2009 07:55:38 GMT Christmas Eve Dinner https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2009/12/28_Christmas_Eve_Dinner object231_1 We all went down on the river to the Rainforest Cafe for Christmas Eve dinner. The kids absolutely loved it and they loved it when the restaurant started to ‘storm’. We sat by the elephants and by a gorilla. It was fun for them.]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2009/12/28_Christmas_Eve_Dinner Mon, 28 Dec 2009 07:54:16 GMT Hudson’s Angry Face https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2009/12/Hudson-s-Angry-Face object232_1 This is Hudson’s Angry face, but it is actually quite adorable!]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2009/12/Hudson-s-Angry-Face Mon, 28 Dec 2009 07:53:39 GMT Dinosaur hair https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2009/12/28_Dinosaur_hair object233_1 The boys always like to have their hair made into “Dinosaur Hair” in the tub... We cannot rinse the shampoo out until they have had their Dinosaur hair! :)]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2009/12/28_Dinosaur_hair Mon, 28 Dec 2009 07:52:13 GMT Blue Lollipop! https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2009/12/Blue-Lollipop object234_1 Nolan Wayne and his blue lollipop!]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2009/12/Blue-Lollipop Mon, 28 Dec 2009 07:51:30 GMT Bass Pro Winter Wonderland https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2009/12/23_Bass_Pro_Winter_Wonderland object235_1 We took the kids to Bass Pro Winter Wonderland last night and they had fun shooting the guns and playing with remote cars, etc... There is so much fun stuff there to see/play with. They enjoyed all the animals everywhere and it was a fun and inexpensive evening! :)]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2009/12/23_Bass_Pro_Winter_Wonderland Wed, 23 Dec 2009 07:25:23 GMT Reinforcing Daddy’s Workbench https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2009/12/Reinforcing-Daddy-s-Workbench object236_1 Kevin was adding strength to his workbench and the boys were helping him cut the boards. They had a great time helping Daddy work with his tools.]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2009/12/Reinforcing-Daddy-s-Workbench Wed, 23 Dec 2009 07:18:46 GMT Spank yourself https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2009/12/22_Spank_yourself object852_1 Nolan Wayne was playing with Weston and took something from him. Weston starting complaining about it, so Kevin went in there and told Nolan that he shouldn’t take things from his brother. He told him to go ahead and give himself a spankin’ (Kevin was just completely kidding and being funny). Nolan reached around and lightly spanked his own bottom, then started to cry and walked away. It was so hilarious!]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2009/12/22_Spank_yourself Tue, 22 Dec 2009 09:43:40 GMT Floore’s Country Store https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2009/12/Floore-s-Country-Store-1 object237_1 We took the kids to Floore’s last Sunday. This is a hole in the wall Texas dance hall where Willy Nelson and Elvis used to frequent. The kids had a great time and wanted to dance the whole time!]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2009/12/Floore-s-Country-Store-1 Tue, 22 Dec 2009 09:41:41 GMT The boy’s trucks https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2009/12/The-boy-s-trucks-1 object238_1 Weston wanted his name on his truck, then as I am writing his name on it, he tells me to write, “Weston. NO-Nolan”. Then Nolan wanted his name on his. It was so funny and cute.]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2009/12/The-boy-s-trucks-1 Tue, 22 Dec 2009 09:38:51 GMT Christmas lights https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2009/12/22_Christmas_lights-1 object239_1 We went to see Christmas lights with the kids last night with Hot Chocolate and had a great time! The kids loved it!]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2009/12/22_Christmas_lights-1 Tue, 22 Dec 2009 09:37:53 GMT Drive-Through Nativity Scene https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2009/12/19_Drive-Through_Nativity_Scene
The kids really enjoyed it. Tomorrow, we are headed to Floore’s Country Store with a few friends to grab dinner and some good family dancing! Should be fun....]]>
(Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2009/12/19_Drive-Through_Nativity_Scene Sat, 19 Dec 2009 20:59:38 GMT
Owls have sharp teeth https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2009/12/19_Owls_have_sharp_teeth object853_1 Tonight, I was rocking Nolan by our back bedroom window and we were looking outside at the dark backyard. We were trying to think of all the animals that come out at night and Nolan said there were Owls at night the have ‘sharp teeth like Nolan’s’. Then, he went on to say that the owl would try to bite him... Then, he said that Daddy keeps a Lion in the backyard and it comes out at night. What an imagination at 2! :) We had a very quality rocking time in tonight.]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2009/12/19_Owls_have_sharp_teeth Sat, 19 Dec 2009 20:50:41 GMT Go Bye Bye https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2009/11/11_Go_Bye_Bye object854_1 So I dropped Nolan Wayne off at School and this was the first time he told me to “Go Bye Bye Now, Mama”. He was really liking his new Learning Zone! :)]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2009/11/11_Go_Bye_Bye Wed, 11 Nov 2009 20:30:49 GMT All Alone https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2009/11/10_All_Alone object855_1 I took Sophia to the latest Blue Ribbon Task Force Meeting and was explaining to her the (Kindergarten version) purpose of the meeting in the car on the way there. I told her we were going to make sure that all little kids have a Mommy and Daddy. Her response was, “If they don’t have a Mommy and Daddy, they will be all alone. Who will brush their teeth and take them to school? I know you will never leave us alone, Mama”

Wow. Need I say more?]]>
(Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2009/11/10_All_Alone Tue, 10 Nov 2009 20:35:21 GMT
I Not scary, mama... https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2009/11/I-Not-scary-mama object856_1 When Nolan Wayne is cold, he says it is “coldy”. When Nolan Wayne refers to being scared, he says “scary”. So, Nolan didn’t want to go to the first house when we were trick or treating. But, after that, he got used to it and wanted me to let him down. He said, “I Not Scary, Mama...” (Meaning, I’m not scared anymore...)]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2009/11/I-Not-scary-mama Tue, 03 Nov 2009 19:28:51 GMT Weston found a fast car https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2009/10/26_Weston_found_a_fast_car object857_1 Weston saw a Corvette while we were driving down the road today (he has an impeccable eye for cars). He said, “Mama look! That is a Very FAST car! ... You can NOT have that car, Mama. I am serious!” :)

I don’t know what he meant, but it was funny...]]>
(Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2009/10/26_Weston_found_a_fast_car Mon, 26 Oct 2009 19:37:29 GMT
Nolan’s moments... https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2009/10/Nolan-s-moments object858_1 Tonight, Weston & Nolan were taking a bath and Nolan was crying because he didn’t want to cooperate in the tub. So he says to Weston (While crying pitifully...) “Weston, will you wash my bottom? boohoo....”

It was quite hilarious how pitiful he was being...]]>
(Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2009/10/Nolan-s-moments Sun, 25 Oct 2009 17:59:44 GMT
At Me... https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2009/10/At-Me object859_1 I realize many of these quotes are from Nolan, but he’s the one learning new phrases and such most of the time. He is routinely asking us to “Come with him” but instead of saying that, he says, “Come AT me”.... :) It is really cute, and he uses AT for with and for and to...etc...Fun things to remember...]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2009/10/At-Me Wed, 21 Oct 2009 10:46:19 GMT No Daddy... https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2009/10/No-Daddy object860_1 This morning, we were about to get the boys in the car for school and Kevin walked into the living room to get the boys. There was an ‘odor’ in the room, so Kevin asked Nolan if he had ‘poopy’. Nolan adamantly said, “No! I no have poopy!”. Well, the smell was obvious, so Kevin asked again. Nolan replied adamantly again, “No, Daddy. I no have poopy....Just GAS!”]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2009/10/No-Daddy Fri, 16 Oct 2009 10:03:39 GMT Mole Dumping? https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2009/10/15_Mole_Dumping object861_1 Nolan has had this saying that I could never figure out. He will say, “Mama, I Mole Dumping”. I tried to figure out what he was talking about until now. When he says Mole Dumping he’s saying, “Mama I SMELL SOMETHING!”. Finally, I figured it out! :)]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2009/10/15_Mole_Dumping Thu, 15 Oct 2009 16:18:02 GMT Nolan a little bit bad https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2009/10/14_Nolan_a_little_bit_bad object862_1 I love a little bit of Nolan, cause him a little bit bad. ~Weston]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2009/10/14_Nolan_a_little_bit_bad Wed, 14 Oct 2009 16:04:12 GMT SOPHIA BEEPS https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2009/9/26_SOPHIA_BEEPS object863_1 SATURDAY MORNING, KEVIN HAD GOTTEN UP EARLY TO TAKE RAY TO HIS DEBATE AND I WAS TRYING TO SLEEP IN A LITTLE SINCE THE ALLERGIES HAD TAKEN THEIR TOLL ON ME. I STARTED HEARING THESE LITTLE KNOCKS AND IT WAS SOPHIA AT MY DOOR. SHE CAME IN AND CRAWLED INTO BED WITH ME. SHE SNUGGLED UP TO ME AND AFTER A FEW MINUTES SHE SAID, “MAMA, I CAN HEAR YOUR HEART BEEPING”. IT WAS REALLY CUTE AND SWEET...]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2009/9/26_SOPHIA_BEEPS Sat, 26 Sep 2009 06:21:50 GMT FUN https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2009/9/22_FUN object864_1 TUCKING SOPHIA INTO BED LAST NIGHT, SHE SAID “THANK YOU FOR MAKING MY BIRTHDAY FUN”. I THOUGHT THAT WAS SWEET OF HER TO SAY AND AM GLAD SHE HAD FUN ON HER BIRTHDAY.]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2009/9/22_FUN Tue, 22 Sep 2009 11:29:52 GMT KEVIN’S QUOTE https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2009/9/KEVIN-S-QUOTE object865_1 I MAY BE SHALLOW, BUT I HAVE GOOD DEPTH PERCEPTION.

(Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2009/9/KEVIN-S-QUOTE Tue, 22 Sep 2009 11:27:14 GMT
slow poke https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2009/9/16_slow_poke object866_1 Tonight I was driving with Weston and Nolan to Hobby Lobby. (The place that Ray says he would love to burn down)... Anyway, I have attached an audio clip of the boy’s conversation in the car... (Click play right under Weston’s picture) Nolan spotted a helicopter and then Weston identified a ‘slow poke’ in front of us. Nolan then shouts, “Come On, Slow Poke!!!”... Be careful what you say...kids repeat everything they hear... :)]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2009/9/16_slow_poke Wed, 16 Sep 2009 18:43:34 GMT Who’s boy are you? https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2009/9/Who-s-boy-are-you object867_1 Tonight, Weston and Nolan were sitting at the table eating dinner. Kevin came up to Weston and said, “You’re Daddy’s boy aren’t you?”... Weston said Yes... Then, Nolan piped up with, “And I’m Mama’s Boy!” Kevin just looked at me and said not after I’m done with him... >)

(Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2009/9/Who-s-boy-are-you Wed, 16 Sep 2009 18:35:52 GMT
I LOVE YOU MAMA https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2009/9/14_I_LOVE_YOU_MAMA object868_1 I WAS PLAYING WITH THE BOYS ALL NIGHT AND OUT OF THE BLUE, NOLAN CAME AND HUGGED ME...AND THEN HE SAID, “I LOVE YOU, MAMA”. HE SAYS THIS WHEN I TUCK HIM IN OR WHEN IT IS PROMPTED, BUT NEVER OUT OF THE BLUE, AND ON HIS OWN. IT WAS SUCH A SPECIAL MOMENT. HE CAME UP WITH IT ALL ON HIS OWN...AND ON AUNT RACHEL’S BIRTHDAY FOR THIS SPECIAL MOMENT! :)]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2009/9/14_I_LOVE_YOU_MAMA Mon, 14 Sep 2009 19:46:35 GMT “ORIGINAL RAY” https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2009/9/-ORIGINAL-RAY object869_1 Ray was talking about what he wanted to be for Halloween. He said he wanted to be Scream and I said, ‘why not be something original?’. His response was, ‘Scream is original! I have seen that around at Halloween everywhere as long as I can remember!’.

So we had him look up the word original. :) Goofy kid.]]>
(Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2009/9/-ORIGINAL-RAY Wed, 09 Sep 2009 18:57:03 GMT
NOLAN WAYNE https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2009/7/22_NOLAN_WAYNE object870_1 Nolan always plays Monster with Daddy. Daddy will growl and holler to play monster. Well...Nolan walked into the family room and approached a Disney Fairies puzzle that Sophia had just put together on the coffee table. He leaned over the puzzle...got his face right next to the Disney Fairies on the puzzle...and HE GROWLED! Then, he look up at me...smirked a little bit and said: “I scared those girls!!!”]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2009/7/22_NOLAN_WAYNE Wed, 22 Jul 2009 12:54:01 GMT NOLAN WAYNE https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2009/6/19_NOLAN_WAYNE object871_2 Nolan did something mean to Weston, so I used the ‘code word’ T.O. to Kevin to see if we were going to send him to “Time Out”. Well, Nolan apparently knows our code word and said, “NO T.O., Mama!!!!!”]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2009/6/19_NOLAN_WAYNE Fri, 19 Jun 2009 12:53:05 GMT WESTON https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2009/6/16_WESTON object871_3 KEVIN WAS JOKING WITH SOPHIA AND SAID, “SHOULD WE CUT YOUR HAIR?”. WESTON IMMEDIATELY JUMPED IN WITH, “NO!!! WE NEED A LITTLE GIRL!”]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2009/6/16_WESTON Tue, 16 Jun 2009 12:47:40 GMT Nana’s Hair https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2009/6/Nana-s-Hair object133_1 NANA WAS VISITING AND SHE WALKED INTO THE KITCHEN FIRST THING IN THE MORNING. WESTON WAS ALREADY SITTING AT THE TABLE DRINKING HIS MILK. WHEN NANA WALKED IN, HE SAID, “YOU NEED TO BRUSH THAT HAIR, NANA!”]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2009/6/Nana-s-Hair Sun, 14 Jun 2009 12:39:47 GMT You You Mama https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2009/6/4_You_You_Mama object134_1 Today was the day that Nolan first tried to say, “I love you, Mama”. It came out “YOU YOU MAMA”...]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2009/6/4_You_You_Mama Thu, 04 Jun 2009 12:19:06 GMT Mclovin’ https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2009/6/Mclovin object135_1 I was taking Weston to his Kumon appointment and I told him that he was going to have to concentrate. I said, “You’ll have to put your thinking cap on!”. His response was, “Where is it?”]]> (Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2009/6/Mclovin Thu, 04 Jun 2009 12:18:13 GMT mclovin’ https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2009/4/mclovin object136_1 Weston was leaving the house with Daddy and he leaned his head back into the house and told Nolan: “I’ll be right back! You take good care of Mama, OK?”

(Texas Cox Family) https://www.texascoxfamily.com/blog/2009/4/mclovin Fri, 03 Apr 2009 12:16:40 GMT